I spent the Easter weekend with +1 and her family. Here are some highlights:
Thursday Night:
Over dinner at Perry's:
+1's Dad: "You know when you Google your name as Jon Swanburg it comes up with an Ultimate Fighter?"
Me: "Yes, I hear I'm a very skilled pugilist."
+1's Mom: "You do that?"
Me: "The internet doesn't lie."
(To return the stalking in-kind, Google via Wikapedia tells me "Bill Payne" is a Waco born founding member of the band Little Feat. I win.)
In the morning, +1 and I played tennis against her parents. They won.

That evening, +1's Dad gave us the option to hang out in a box at the Rockets game or use his season tickets for the Astros game. We picked the Astros game. The Cardinals won but our seats were pretty incredible. (see photo to the left)
After a drive to Austin, two White Russians, three Margaritas, and a family screening of Borat, I determine a fourth Margarita to be necessary.
Easter lunch and a drive back to Waco.
Fill in the gaps with Guitar Hero II and the occasional game of Catch Phrase and that was my weekend.
**In all sincerity though, I must give a huge thanks to the entire +1 family for treating me so incredibly well. You have an amazing family and I really did have a lot of fun. So once again, thank you.**