Law school isn’t funny but this certainly is:
". . . .And that kids, that's the story behind why I can never go back to Disneyland. Any other questions?"
In his blog, From Malibu to Waco, student Jonathan Swanburg wrote, "The
Breakfast for Dinner thing was good, so good in fact I'm left wondering why it
hasn't happened before. Each server had a custom embroidered apron, tall white
chef hat, and the demeanor of a giddy school child."
Jeremy Counseller wouldn't claim giddiness, but he did say the event really was fun and that if an academic life doesn't work out for him, he can get a job as a "gravy server."
This is not a quote from my mom, dad or even the Lariat. This is a quote from the Baylor Administration. In fact, this article comes right before, “Baylor Researcher Creates First Temperature Record for the North American Great Plains - Says Results "Unexpected."
I’d love to hear the interview with Prof. CivPro:
Interviewer: Mr. Swanburg said you had a giddy demeanor.
Prof. CivPro: Have you ever met Swanburg?
Interviewer: No.
Prof. CivPro: Well I figured as much cause if you had, you’d know he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about.
Interviewer: So you weren’t giddy?
Prof CivPro: Do I look like I was giddy? You know I kicked him out of class on the VERY first day?
Interviewer: So can I say you had a good time?
Prof CivPro: You know what I used to write on top of my exams?
Interviewer: (confused)
Prof CivPro: "I’m a Badass." And you can take that one to the bank.
Interviewer: Ok, so I’ll say the event was really fun.
Prof CivPro: No, I mean, don’t get me wrong, I was one hell of a gravy server . . . probably the most badass gravy server ever.
Interviewer: Alright well I think that’s enough for now. Thanks
Prof. CivPro: No, thank you.