I don't know if any of part this story is true, so let's talk about it in the hypothetical. Let's say, hypothetically speaking of course, this lady walks in to your class touting the greatness of a product called Total Litigator.
Seems like a sweet girl.
Hypothetically, you're sitting there politely, not really paying attention; you're hungry, you don't have money to spend regardless of the product, you're bored, you don't like Lexis, then, out of nowhere, people just start fucking screaming.
"I'll take three," "I'll take four," "I don't give a fuck. Take everything, just give me Total Litigator."
Hypothetically you perk up and look around the room. What just happened?
The answer is MySpace . . . MySpace happened.
While her About Me page says:
I'm an attorney specializing in trademark, copyright and patent infringement litigation. I've been at it for 8 years now.
Things don't get interesting till she starts taking her clothes off.

I picked this picture because of the 50 or so, this one seemed the most decent.
Why does she do it you ask?
it keeps me from feeling borderline suicidal at the thought that I spend most days rotting behind a desk as the last remnants of my youthful attractiveness dissipate with each passing hour. (OK, so I can be a bit melodramatic. But you try spending 10-12 hours a day writing briefs on pharmaceutical patent infringement and tell me how depressed YOU get!) Trust me, anyone in my position would crave some mindless activity. Not to mention, I'm very much a girlie-girl, who LOVES lingerie, stripper shoes, and basically any type of salacious garment or trampy outfit. :) I get pretty damn bored of suits and conservative 3-inch pumps everyday. So what better mindless hobby than one that also allows me to wear all the trashy things I love so dearly and occasionally get paid to be glamorous?
Glamorous indeed. And to celebrate this hypothetical situation, someone in PC came up with this:

Anyway, I wasn't even at the hypothetical presentation and I just bought my sixth Total Litigator.