From Malibu to Waco:
The Life Story of a Baylor JD / MBA
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Multiple Choices A – M Were Surprisingly Unhelpful
At 60 legal-sized pages long, the PC II exam was overwhelming*. Comparing it to other law school exams is like comparing apples to midget porn. The questions were long, the choices were convoluted, and when I looked at Ms. Abdouche about half way through, I thought she was going to cry.
Onto PC I.
*While most people struggled to finish, Mr. Cunningham left with a little over an hour to go. He’s either Jesus or a mere mortal that rolled the dice on answer choice G.
Friday, April 24, 2009
And All I Got Was a Bad Grade
According to the blog of a 1Q [oh to be young again] Prof. Beal gave his CivPro class a bunch of shirts. You can click here and find out more background or you can just assume he added Santa Clause to his list of teaching personas. I’m not a scientist but I’m going to say Santa is presumptively more effective than Schizophrenic Pirate - Leprechaun.
More Quiz Grades
Since Pattillo seemed amazed by my ability to turn multiple spreadsheets into one, below are the PC II quizzes. These number are the epitome of arbitrary but have fun looking at them nonetheless.
Quiz Grades
Below are the PC I quiz grades listed from highest to lowest. The median is marked in yellow. If it's too small to read, click the "toggle full screen" button in the upper right. Enjoy.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Last Good Morning
Yesterday was a triple session of PC II that covered approximately 600 pages of material. Today was a triple session of PC I that covered about the same. Add those up and over the course of two days we touched on about 1200 pages of knowledge and the only thing I remember is Prof. Wren socratically C-Walking on Mr. Ivy’s face.
(Before Class)
Me: You should definitely go to class(About 15 minutes later)
Ivy: But he covered everything that was assigned and I haven’t read the other stuff.
Me: Nobody has. He didn’t call on anyone in the second session so he won’t call on people in the third.
Ivy: Alright. I'll go.
Prof. Wren: “Have a seat, Mr. Ivy. You managed to get a memo in the last session, of the last day, of PC I. Congratulations.”I'm not sad to be done.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Charging Towards the Finish Line
It’s hard to complain about sitting through four hours of character evidence when Mr. Cloutman had to stand. And not just stand . . . but answer. And not just normal questions but convoluted hypotheticals that made 404(a) seem more like a game of Memory than a rule of law.
But Cloutman did great and tomorrow we have a triple session. It’s like the fairytale ending students at a top 50 school could never imagine.
Ms. Fitzwilliam Would Prefer You’d Gone to University of Houston
According to the new law school rankings, Baylor has gone tobogganing down the charts to the 65th potion.
And on that note I must return to class for this afternoon’s session of PC II. I’m sure the professor’s whimsy will remind me why I chose Baylor.
Here is a reliable source that details the changes.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
There is Good Money in Civility
Yesterday after PR, some good folks from ABOTA came to talk to us about civility . . . which happens to be nothing more than game theory. To sum up the presentation and video:
- If both sides are civil, both sides are better off;
- To avoid incivility, signal your intent to abide by the rules of ABOTA from the outset;
- If the opponent still attempts to use incivility to gain an advantage, you fuck them over when you get the chance.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Two Things in TX: Steers and Champions
Perusing Facebook instead of working on tomorrow’s minitrial, I came across the most ridiculous pictures, I’ve ever seen, anywhere, of anything. [which makes them okay to steal]
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Happy Easter
When I was sitting as a juror last Thursday, I found it interesting that Brent Ivy wore the exact same thing as Prof. Powell -black suit, white shirt, yellow tie, black trial boots, and class ring – which led to the statement, “Mr. Ivy, you look like you have more flare than the rest of these people.”
Not knowing what that meant, Mr. Ivy proceeded to advocate, move around, and enter a Spiderman pose while reaching from the ELMO to counsel’s table. Prof. Powell later declared that wasn’t what he was looking for.
In other news, I used my time away from blogging to do some reading and I came across the word, "Pogonophobia." The fear of beards.
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Because This Might Be Tested
A tragic love story from tonight’s PC II*:
Prior to their marriage, Mr. Sheley had held a gun to Mrs. Sheley's head, while she, then his landlady, was trying to collect rent. During the marriage, Mrs. Sheley was the victim of a number of beatings at the hands of Mr. Sheley, and, on various occasions, he threatened and attempted to shoot her and to run over her with a car. The Sheley's decided their differences could not be resolved and sought a divorce. Mr. Sheley demanded that Mrs. Sheley return his rings and, when she refused, he threatened to cut off her finger with his Boy Scout knife. Their divorce became final on January 7, 1975.*cites are for losers
Subsequently . . . the Sheley's were remarried on March 3, 1975.
Just twelve days after the second marriage . . . the Sheleys left their home in Claxton, Georgia, to attend a motion picture theater. Mr. Sheley had been drinking heavily that afternoon and continued to drink during the movie. On the return trip, Mr. Sheley stopped and bought some french fried potatoes for Mrs. Sheley. He became angry when Mrs. Sheley refused to eat them. . . . [His final words] I didn’t think she’d shoot me.
Britt “the-Ethics-Man” Clark
When the MPRE asked what he’d do if a client offered him sex, the aspiring astronaut, turned violist, turned debater, turned law student repeatedly answered with an emphatic “Give high-fives to all 10 of my invisible friends.”
Which is why it’s with great surprise I announce he finally passed. Congrats, BC. You’re an attorney.
Wednesday, April 01, 2009
A Whole Lot of Hearsay

It’s like he sees the graduation speaker but would rather she commit Seppuku than continue speaking.