Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Law Professor Wants To Steal From Business

As pointed out by the surely sultry, anonymous commenter in the post below, today's WSJ Law Blog looks at an article arguing for the business case method over the law school version.

And maybe I'm misunderstanding the author entirely but it sounds to me like he'd recommend a transactional version of PC which, if true, would qualify him as a genius.

Ethically Taking Names

Thanks in large part to my teammates, Suzanne Blake (top speaker), Chris Matcek, and Bryan Gregory, I can now call myself a winner of the Hankamer School of Business, Ethical Leadership Case Competition.

It feels good.

The case involving Wal-Mart was handed out Wednesday evening. From there the teams had until Friday morning to create a 20 min presentation with an accompanying PowerPoint followed by 10 minutes of Q&A.

Using our collective knowledge of law, econ, organizational behavior, finance, communication and management, we looked at several conflicts of interest and focused on balancing the company's fiduciary duty to shareholders with the ethical duties owed to employees, leadership, customers, suppliers, and society.

It was interesting, I learned a great deal, and now, considering my team won a combined $1,150, I'll leave it to you to insert the appropriate Showtime / mono-legged stripper joke. As Baylor's newest ethical leader, those days are behind me.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Business School Is Not Law School

As of today I'm 1/3 done with the MBA program. I feel like I've learned a tremendous amount, I've gotten my life on the right path and I've had a lot of fun BUT I'll be the first to admit I miss the competition.
With grade distributions like the one pictured above*, how am I supposed to rank myself as a person?

*This distribution is not entirely like the others. I think the avg. GPA in the MBA program is a 3.4.
- You go on probation below a 3.0.
- The only time I got a 97 on a law school final, the test was out of 1000.

Friday, October 26, 2007

BLS Video Inspires

If you're into G-rated movies about law schools on the Brazos, Baylor CSO gives you this. If you're into peeing without the hassle of toilets or walking - I'm looking at you Schnupp - inventors give you this.

We all do things to make the World a better place.

BLS, We Be Studying

If you read the blog of one Alico Dreamer, the below news will not shock you in the least. In fact, since I'm tired and unoriginal, I'll simply quote his whimsy and be done with it:

"Baylor is ranked number 3 in the nation for most hours spent preparing for class on average. We are highest in Texas, and the only one in the top 25. More interesting, though, perhaps, is a look at the bottom 25, which includes Virginia (147), Harvard (151), UCLA (157), NYU (158), Yale (162), and U of Texas
(169!*). But let's look at the real numbers:
Baylor = 5.68 hours per day spent studying.
Virginia = 3.77
Harvard = 3.74
UCLA = 3.58
NYU = 3.56
Yale = 3.50
U of Texas = 3.23

Wow. I'm really not sure what to think about this.

*Only North Carolina Central is lower, with a paltry 2.52 hours per

While Mr. Dreamer continues pondering, I'll be right here doing top notch journalism. You're welcome.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pepperdine is Alive . . . I Promise

People keep asking me if Pepperdine burnt down. The answer is no . . . classes will be resuming tomorrow.

Pictured to the left is my freshman dorm and in the video below you can see there are wind and flames and people that don't really care.

And what a lot of people don't realize, the same way other schools have snow days, Pepperdine has fire and mudslide days. Here is a video of a lesser fire taken 9 months ago behind the cafeteria.

And as an editor's note, the person in the above video is 100% not gay. I know this because Pepperdine strictly prohibits homosexuals from existing.

Thanks for your concern, though.

GBA Golf Tournament

Last Friday -with no birdie girls on hand to smile and serve in all their pink glory- Battle Lake Resort and Country Club played host to the Graduate Business Association (GBA) golf tournament. Though my two person team didn't win the scramble event, both my heart and immune system remained pure . . . because birdie girls can change all that.

To quote the official website:

The Birdie Girls, dressed in eye catching outfits and loaded with "talent," meet golfers at their cars with golf carts . . . . They also provide friendly welcomes to golfers at tournaments and outings.
If putting the word talent in quotes and the phrase friendly welcomes in bold wasn't enough to ruin the subtlety of the above journo-porn, here is the golf course slogan:

"The hardest golf course in Texas . . . to keep your eye on the ball!"

Literary genius. The exclamation point lets you know the experience will be both hot and classy.

Anyway, the birdie girls didn't happen, the business school had a golf tournament, students paid $25, professors paid $55, the money went to a good cause and nobody had outdoor relations. Things might have gone differently at the law school.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Judges Respect 40 Inch Guns

With Devin Huggins as a teammate, Alex "The Juggernaut" Bell has done BLS proud by kicking ass and taking names, winning the Texas Admin Law competition to remain undefeated in all things moot court.

People named Joel Bailey, Rob George, Lindsay Glover and Lane Haygood did good things too, but none of them can bench press small cars and large people so how good could those things actually have been?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

BLS Ping Pongists Challenged to a Duel

Eating in the lounge following the successful JD/MBA informational soiree, my boss - the Director of Graduate Business Admissions - commented on what she perceived to be an uninspiring game of ping pong taking place across the room.

Boss: "So that's your table and those are the people you think can beat our MBA's?"
Me: "You're not seeing the top competitors."
Boss: "Some of our international students take the game very seriously."
Me: "As do some of my JD's. See that man sitting in the corner twirling a yellow paddle? He keeps that in his locker."
Boss: "Fine, if you think they can keep up, your next job is to setup a JD v. MBA ping pong tournament."
Me: "Consider it done."
The above being said, if I plan on receiving my salary and tuition remission, that event will happen sometime after law students are done with finals. In the meantime, I'm using my hard earned MBA dollars to make it rain during tonight's Immunity Party at Wild West. The place should be replete with dance lessons, country music and $1 drinks.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

JD/MBA Stuff

Today, Wednesday, is a big day for the cross-breeding of business and law school. At 5:30 PM in room 236, Swanburg and a posse of indefatigable JD/MBA's will be teaming up with some administration folks to discuss the nuances of the program.

Show up, eat pizza, and tell us about the time that you too urinated on something at Scruff's.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Baylor Business Thinks You're Neat

I, like every other Business student received an e-mail yesterday reading as follows:

Fellow MBA Classmates,

Here's a great opportunity to experience center stage as an actor! Our fellow Baylor law school Bears need our support during mock trials. [Name omitted] and I had fun working with [name omitted] and [name omitted] in a racy case of infidelity, deceit, defamation, unethical behavior, and interoffice chaos. [Name omitted] played the part of Mr. McKyton, the defendant and an attorney. I played the part of Mr. Corry, a witness and the firm's managing partner. The plaintiff, Mr. Reiter, denied an affair with Mr. McKyton's wife, Ms. Stoner. Mr. McKyton's attorneys had to prove they had the affair by bringing both Mr. McKyton, Mr. Corry, and evidence in front of judge and jury. This is better than TV, because it is real life!

This does require prep work and time in court. We prepped about three hours each and were in court for three hours. However, it's an absolutely marvelous experience and I hope you take the time to pursue it. If you have any questions or would like to participate, please contact [name omitted] at [e-mail omitted]or [e-mail omitted]. See below for the upcoming case.

Best Regards,

[Name omitted]

There is a punch line in the fact the MBAs were con'd into experiencing PC for a combined 12 hours, but I'll leave that to the lawyers. I'm just here to inspire inter-school relations and coitus.