BC: Bar Conqueror
July 2008 Bar results came back a few moments ago and I’m proud to announce the everyone’s favorite debater / violist / floater / cordial host / astronaut, Britt Aaron Clark, was part of the 91.58% of BLS students to pass.
The Life Story of a Baylor JD / MBA
July 2008 Bar results came back a few moments ago and I’m proud to announce the everyone’s favorite debater / violist / floater / cordial host / astronaut, Britt Aaron Clark, was part of the 91.58% of BLS students to pass.
Two Fridays ago I competed in the Baylor Ethics Case Competition at the business school. I didn’t mention it at the time because it was the day after we’d lost the intramural football thing and I didn’t want to curse myself twice in two days, BUT long, uneventful story short, yesterday I found out the strategy paid off and for the second year in a row I was on a team that took home $1000 in prize money.
In other news without a two week time delay, Baylor students seem to be taking the Obama victory pretty well . . . minus the noose-like clothesline, the sign burning, and the racially infused repartee.
Out of 1499 entries into the Lexis "30x30 Because Wii Love You" promotion, my name was selected as a winner. My prize is a free PMBR review course, which, after nine quarters of law school, is like winning a three year shit shoveling contest with the prize being a free glimpse at which piles of shit actually mattered; which needless to say, is better than having to pay.
Now if only I could get back/transfer/sell that down payment I put on BarBri a little over two years ago . . . .
According to masochist/commentator, Jessie, I still need the BarBri and have a lot to look forward to.