Monday, June 19, 2006

Happy Fathers' Day

**Personal Note**
It’s no longer officially Father’s Day but it’s better late than never. I love my dad; He is a great man that I’m proud to claim as my own. One day, I’ll put him in a really nice convalescence home, but until that day comes, I’ll use words to show my appreciation.

You are an old, tall, funny man that can keep me updated on my local weather from 1500 miles away. You always gave me your pole when you had the opportunity to catch a fish, and I still remember that time you let me beat you in golf when I was 6. Unlike mother you rarely threatened to kill me, and that really means a lot.

I love you, and sorry about that whole no gift giving thing. I was going to get you a Patek, Ferrari, Leer, or racehorse, but Mother said you’d prefer the words “I Love You.” You saved me a pretty penny and that’s why you’re the best.

Your Son,



I’ve been meaning to link to this blog for awhile and I hope the author doesn’t mind. Stepbaker is the brainchild of an upper quarter and it’s usually funny. His post today isn’t funny, but rather one of the more moving things I’ve ever read. I hope I don’t take away from it with the frivolity of my post, but I read him and you should too.


At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the link leads to microsoft homepage. cockfag

At 9:02 AM, Blogger Jon Swanburg said...

Thanks for the notice, I had one too many “http:” but what’s a cockfag?

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Typical. Swanburg finally links to me and he figures out a way to fuck it up. Thanks for nothing.

No, really. I appreciate the plug. I promise to not be so heartfelt in the future and stick to more important topics, like my love of cake.

Mmmmmmmm... cake.


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