Friday, June 09, 2006

I Blame the Paint Chips

Picking up LARC memo grades on a Friday is like catching the flu on your birthday. I’ll be the first to acknowledge my memo was incoherent, but it’s upsetting to think Prof. LARC thinks me not write pretty.

I know the first memo grade doesn’t count for much but I’m disappointed nonetheless. Prof. LARC was quickly becoming my favorite and now she thinks I’m teetering on the brink of illiteracy. My dreams of winning her heart and respect through impeccable word choice and detailed legal analysis have temporarily failed.

And for the recap of yesterday’s game:

You know how the United States used those twin 500 pound bombs to blow up 5 guys in an Iraqi tool shed? The game went kind of like that. One ‘Werebear’ was wearing the glove on the incorrect hand, while another had no shoes. Basically, every time the ball was hit into the outfield it seemed like the entire team eventually touched the ball.

For example, there was one ball hit to right. The outfielder somehow managed to throw the ball backwards and another picked it up. The second outfielder threw it to another outfielder who then threw it to first, who then threw the ball to second; the runner was already rounding third so second threw it to the catcher. It went over the catchers head, and she tries to throw it back to the pitcher. It goes over the pitchers head into the outfield, and the whole process continues although the batter has already made it back to the dugout.

I fell down twice and received an abrasion on my knee.

If you need me, I’ll be watching World Cup reruns on TeleMundo.


At 1:58 AM, Blogger Nora said...

Thanks for not dropping names :o)

At 9:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah thats nice of him huh nora?

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how can we expect to get any respect when we look like we didn't even make the Special Olympics' traveling team?

At 1:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't think we deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as the special olypmians...i am of the opinion that we are much more comparable to a 3 year old t-ball team during practice #1

At 1:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe you guys could join in on the little league practices that go on before the law league games

At 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

that would be a good idea, except they probably wouldn't allow heavy alcohol consumption. you know how stuffy parents can be about not exposing their young children to creepy drunk adults...crazies.

At 8:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

how indicative of your legal writing skills is legal writing?

At 8:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

word to the wise on larc grades. yeah the first one doesn't count. then you start thinking oh the next one isn't a huge % of your overall larc grade. after that it is easy to let justifications like i've got larc ii to pull my grade up, etc. the next thing you know it is one year later and you're waiting to get your entire larc grade back and you can't even remember what was so important that you put off writing your memo another night.

enjoy summer league softball and know that word of swanburg has spread to those away for the summer


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