Sunday, September 03, 2006


It went a little something like this. . .

JHSwanburg: What up
bradzel777: nothing
bradzel777: seriously very little
JHSwanburg: That's pretty exciting
bradzel777: what are you doing
JHSwanburg: Watching a tv show about a family that has twins and sextuplets
bradzel777: genetics baby
JHSwanburg: Do you want to be added to the blog?
bradzel777: yeah

And that’s how I got my first job in the blogging business. In my mind, I consider myself as somewhat of an un-required supplement to Swanburg's casebook. I only hope that the anonymous posters are kind to me.

The coolest thing to happen this weekend (so far) was Westfest, Texas's annual Czech/Polka festival. I bet you are all wondering how something so seemingly unappealing could actually be a quality time. The answer to your inquiry cost 3$ a cup and was no longer sold after 12:15.

The attractions of Westfest included redneck arts and crafts, carnival rides, and a group of misfits that made up a Polka band. The lead singer of the Polka band had a striking resemblance to Prof. Contracts. Just picture Prof. Contracts wearing a funny hat. Now replace law genius with equal portions of "really excited about Polka". Also noteworthy was the sax player of the group. I can’t think of Baylor law professor to compare him to, so I will just post a picture of him.

Apparently being a total badass and having a love for polka are no longer mutually exclusive.

Speaking of badasses, Weber B and Swanburg both had the stones to ride on this spinning instrument of terror. Borchers and I were too big of wimps to get on, so I took pictures while Borchers held Weber B's purse.



At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Brad. You're terrible. No one wants to read this shit. Prof. Contracts = Trail. Not Bates. I think you mean Prof. Bankruptcy/Secured Transactions. That's all.

At 3:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh and your friend is a dick.

At 7:58 PM, Blogger Jon Swanburg said...

Brad. . .anonymous is right. I'm sorry you had to find out like this but your friend is in fact a dick of Ron Jeremey proportions. He is a mean, vituprative, penis.

That's all.

At 8:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 9:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude u know when i say his friend is a dick i mean catfish boy

At 9:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. apparently everyone hated you thomas.....but i still love you. your next post should just be an audio track of your famed performance of bon jovi's greatest hits.


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