Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Isn’t That What They Do at All Law Schools?

Day two of Property saw its second casualty. The famed commentator “Haley” was relieved of her seat in class today after only a few short minutes.

She started out well, and by well I mean it was clear she had read. Her book was filled with highlights, and the margins filled with extensive insights but when you’re on your feet mistakes happen.

After a few minutes things took a turn for the worse:
Prof. Property: Do you have a brief for the case?
Haley: Yea sort of.
Prof. Property: Can I see it?
Haley: (hands over a notebook)
Prof. Property: (reading to herself) This doesn’t appear to be in any form you’re expected to use. You’re unprepared, please pack your stuff.

I discovered later, Haley had shown her what can only be described as a comparative discourse between the case at hand and a note case.

Haley swallowed her words, packed her books and marched on out.

I like Prof. Property. Maybe it’s that she asks me easy questions, and does so with a smile or maybe it’s simply the fact she had the courage to kick out the scariest girl I’ve ever met. Either way I’ve gotten called on two days in a row and live to tell about it.

If the fun ended there the story wouldn’t be nearly as entertaining. For the second time in a row, the person who was kicked out of Property was also beaten in our next class an hour and a half later. Prof. Contracts gave Haley another castigation for good measure but allowed her to stay. It was apparent that Haley didn’t enjoy herself but I certainly did. There is nothing I like more than to watch Haley get mad. She’s so cute when she’s angry.


At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay first of all...I actually was on top of the case in don't act like I was up there getting questions wrong. I just didn't know what the fuck he was asking me...and it didn't help that all the fall starters around me took the slightest tone of uncertainty in my voice as an invitation to raise their hands and correct me. But I am so happy that I could entertain you Swanburg...I live to please you in all that I do. Now that I have had a shitty and humiliating day and didn't impress myself is fucking ON. Watch yourself.
And btw, my anger stops being cute when it turns to violence...

At 12:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kicking out someone who read is a pretty cool thing to do.

At 8:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You'll soon learn (if you haven't already) that the Baylor Law faculty is very close knit, and what happens in one class quickly spreads. Thus, once one prof does something like kick some one out, the following prof(s) will soon pile on to that person to see if that person was prepared.

At 5:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yes....we know that now. thanks for the late information.

At 1:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it makes you feel any better, toss-outs are only for the first few quartesrs, and PC, unless you do something unusually horrific. For the inbetween quarters, they just let you stay on your feet for abject humiliation for 20 minutes, so the entire class can see you flailing helplessly and hear the sarcastic comments.

I haven't decided which is worse yet.


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