Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Chaos Ensues

Since posting the update on the previous entry, the Facebook group “Students against Facebook News Feed (Official Petition to Facebook)” has swelled to over 400,000 people. That means the populations of Barbados, Iceland, The Bahamas, Maldives, Brunei, Malta and Wyoming have just been surpassed by a Facebook group in under two days time.

By this time tomorrow, I’m more than confident, Cape Verde, Guadeloupe, Suriname, Luxembourg, Macau SAR China, Djibouti, Solomon Islands, Equitorial Guinea, Cornoros, Bahrain, Guyana, Reunion, Cyprus, and Qatar will be left behind as well.

By population, “Students against Facebook News Feed (Official Petition to Facebook)” will be the world’s 157th largest country, and America’s 44th largest state.

A facelift hasn’t gone this wrong since the 1984 debacle that turned Michael Jackson into a white, carnival-loving, pederast.

Anyway, unlike wars, and world hunger, this seems like a pretty easy problem to solve.

It all started just a few short months ago when management refused to sell Facebook for the offered $750 million. Instead they decided to get $25 million from a group of venture capitalists in an effort to raise the company’s value to $2 billion. As the result, unwanted new features were born.

Anyway, Facebook has yet to comment on the disaster but I anticipate a correction by the end of the week. The feed won’t be gone, but there will be a privacy box that allows you to opt out if you so choose.

But you have to hand it to Facebook, not even Enron pissed off this many people so quickly.


At 8:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i hate you......and the news feed...


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