Tuesday, October 31, 2006

He Called Him a What?

Bad things happen when words get haphazardly thrown around. See yesterday’s comment section, or the November 2006 ABA Journal. (which I now apparently get in the mail).

The cover reads:

The Big Bopper: Exploding the canons of judicial ethics.

The author was obviously unaware of the urban dictionary’s definition* of what it means to be "a big bopper exploding the canons of judicial ethics."

Granted, I know the difference between canons and cannons but it doesn't mean the kids do. The poor guy pictured with messy hair, and a look of confusion doesn't understand why America's youths keep laughing.

*If you are easily offended don't pull up the link. Here's one of the less crude definitions:

"a female that gives oral pleasure regularly; one who "bops"; a hoe"

Anyway, I didn't start this. It was all Baker's fault.


At 8:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear lord - the guy's last name was Bopp! And "the big bopper" was a 1950s music kingpin...


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