Sunday, September 17, 2006

0 - 2

After tonight’s loss to the other team of 3Q’s, we remain winless. I fear if I say anything more my teammates will beat me. Consequently, I’m relegating myself to the cheering section for the remainder of the season.

Apparently I’ve become content with losing. I’m like the proud parent of a one legged little leaguer. I get more satisfaction watching bad players having a good time then watching good players get overly frustrated. For the second week in a row there was almost a fight, and this week it seemed like people spent more time getting pissed and less time laughing.

Towards the end of the game a girl wanted to be put in and I was more than willing to let her, unfortunately we were down by 6 with 4 minutes to play. As I called to sub her in, my decision was overruled.

Pretty soon we were down by 9 with 3 minutes to play and she reiterated the fact she wanted to go in. As she stood on the sideline eagerly waiting, I didn’t have the heart to tell her I couldn’t make it happen.

I’m competitive don’t get me wrong, I just prefer to pick my battles. I’m the worst basketball player ever, and don’t pride myself enough in the event to care whether or not I win or lose. I certainly don’t care enough to fight classmates over a call.

Since an apathetic player is much worse than no player at all, it’s with great sadness and a heavy heart that I announce my retirement from Law League basketball.


At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does this mean we can play videogames at your house on sunday nights again?

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

An apathetic player is better than people who won't let a girl play in law school intramurals for fear of losing.

I wasn't there, but that seems a little lame to me.

At 6:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU KNOW are the second person to quit and I think that is really fricking lame. The point of basketball is to talk shit. Sure, laughter is great...but this isn't softball. This is freaking BASKETBALL...there is body to body contact, profuse amounts of sweat and swearing and NO ALCOHOL. Personally, the shit-talking is my favorite part of basketball, besides the shoving, rough-housing and bruises. As long as it doesn't leave the court, there is nothing wrong with what happens. Moreover, both times there has been conflict it was caused by the opposing team, not us. As long as after the game you can shake the other teams' hands with a smile, things went well.

We need pimps, not whimps...and yes, everyone who wants to play should get to as much as they want. We are likely never going to who cares.

At 9:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"We need pimps, not wimps"

Are pimps well known for their basketball skills? Awesome line, in any event.

At 9:46 PM, Blogger Mark Osler said...

You know, Louisiana-Monroe has Vic the Demon Pimp as their mascot, and he lost a fight to a big-head Indian guy. I'm not so sure about this pimp thing when it comes to team sports.

At 10:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Swanburg, we know you are really quitting out of fear of your team's inevitable loss against a bunch of 1Qs.

At 11:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

**Pimps was the only word I could find that rhymed and made any sort of sense...even though it didn't. I'm sure there is another definition of pimp besides a trader of the flesh, right?

And yes, anonymous 1Q, we are SO ready for our inevitable loss to bring it, and I will bring uncalled for fouls against anyone within arms length of me.


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