Friday, November 17, 2006

Stepping It Up

Prof. Property’s rules are no secret. She requires every student brief every case and those briefs have to be printed. You can’t be late, and you can’t miss class.

People get kicked out all the time, but today was special; possibly unprecedented.

There are two sections of Property II. The M – Z’s have her in the morning, the A – L’s in the afternoon. After teaching a full class in the morning with a mere one casualty, she took it to the next level after lunch. From what I gather, five minutes into class she asked to see the class’ briefs from the last seven cases. A dozen or so students admitted to not having their briefs printed and with that she walked out.

Kicking out an entire class isn’t unprecedented, but kicking out a single section is.

The morning students went over stuff that the afternoon students never will. Granted, the M – Z’s were kind enough to share their notes and I doubt come test time it will make any difference, but more than a few A - L's have taken umbrage with the maneuver.

Since I wasn't actually in the class, feel free to clarify the story.


At 12:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Honestly, I think this is an example of professor property not being able to control a class and displays her inexperience as a professor. There's no argument that an unprepared student without a brief doesn't belong in the class; however, to walk out on students that labor for hours on those briefs that she wants (which is what she did in conjunction with walking out on "the unprepareds") is completely unprofessional and uncalled for. She had already separated out those students that were not prepared for the class and had the option to eject those students but did not do so. I certainly hope, as this has happened before, that this is not standard operating procedure at Baylor Law. That's not why I came here.

At 1:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the old Professor Contracts did that once to our section. He got frustrated that the answers to his questions weren't showing an acceptable level of preparation, so he went on a 10 minute rant on how it better not happen again and then stalked out of class early.

At 1:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is beyond unprofessional and is demonstrative of why Baylor needs to stop the inbreeding in its faculty pool. Have a problem with an unprepared student? Deduct points from their final exam grade but don't abdicate your responsibility to TEACH. You are paid, and the students pay, good money to be TAUGHT the law. I work with a building full of Yale, Harvard, etc. lawyers, none of whom ever heard of a professor walking out on a class. And save me the "we're better" BS - I graduated from Baylor and can tell you they are smarter and more articulate, and didn't get that way from fear of being kicked out of class.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger James Close said...

Yeah, Trail did that once. There was a leak of some "dumbass gas"...

At 3:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh please. Somebody call the waaaaambulance. The amount of whining and moaning around here is reaching absurd levels. You all are in LAW SCHOOL for crying out loud. Grow some cajones and deal with it.

At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sounds like prof property has a bit of an ego problem and she should maybe spend half the effort committing herself to her students as she does feeding that massive ego. we pay for the education and if we are prepared for class that should be the end of the story whether we brief the case on our computer, in the margins, or just remember the issues. GET OVER YOURSELF BAYLOR PROFESSORS...YOU ARE NOT THAT GREAT.

At 6:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I expected more from law school.
Absolutely disapponting to be stuck with this caliber.

At 6:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To the person that left the waaaambulance comment, I suspect you're one of the folks that wasn't prepared. And if you were, maybe you just don't appreciate how some of the students DO care about what happens in the classroom. Some students DO care that their professors are arbitrarily throwing out students. Some students DO care that they are trying to make something here, and having a professor act out against a group of prepared and ready students will detract from what they're trying to accomplish here. Maybe you don't care, but there are a lot of students that do.

At 8:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not believe her to be unprofessional or egotistical. She is an excellent professor with high standards. Hopefully the unprepareds will shape up. Professor Property's standards, although high, are preparing her students for the expectations of the real-life world of attorney practice.

At 8:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Please...She is obviously out of her league. Hopefully the higher-ups will send her back to the world of Practice soon. AND please do not put all of the professors in the same category. We all know that for the most part the majority of them are the best of the best.

At 8:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Forget are a freaking idiot, if you believe how that self-obsessed prof conducted herself is a reflection of actual practice. get your head out of her ass before you make a comment about the real world

At 9:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes life isn't fair. Yeah, those times tend to suck. Just strike back and pass all your briefs down to the new kids this Spring. You will spoil her fun.

At 9:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yea and when you pass those briefs down and you get booted you might understand how unjust and unfair that is. bottom line- we pay to get a legal education and she bailed. not acceptable on any standard.

At 9:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"bottom line- we pay to get a legal education and she bailed."

True enough. I haven't had her but she sounds like someone who thinks their a "pretty big deal." Prof. Civ Pro anyone?

At 10:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The biggest error made by the administration here was allowing so many pussies into Baylor.

At 10:25 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anonymous 7:47:
That should be "they're" a pretty big deal. Folks, if you're going to criticize BLS, at least speak English.

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I amend. You should take a shot at the English language on all posts, not just when you commenting on BLS.

At 12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Penso che quei ultimi due abbiano provenuti probabilmente dal nostra professora bella - LARC I.

(I think those last two came from our dear Prof. LARC 1).

Whoever said, "bottom line - we pay to get a legal education and she bailed," you hit the nail on the head. I wonder if she ever walked out of a courtroom? Maybe that explains why...

At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

j.ray -

I was in that prperty section when Trail said the "dumbass gas" line and assure you he did not walk out on the section. He said some pretty insensitive and immature things, but he always kept trying to teach.

At 1:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

whats the big deal, she walked out of class. you got to leave early! why are you complaining? and to the person who suggested passing on briefs to the next class: EXACTLY!

At 4:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Anon 7:05 AM -

He may not have walked out in the "dumbass gas" class, but he definitely walked out of class on us.

Not that I care. I think it's fine if the profs want to walk out when we're unprepared. Everybody get over yourselves. If someone read this shit back to you in 20 years you'd be embarassed.

At 10:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just be thankful you don't have Prof. Old Property for Property...

At 1:05 AM, Blogger "#1 With Cheese" said...

I think getting walked out on by a Prof is pretty much a right of passage at BLS. Old Contracts Prof walked out on us and we were pissed at the time. Three months later we gave him an engraved retirement present. And three months later we continue to talk about how much he is missed.


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