Thursday, October 19, 2006

Waco Gets a New Slogan

We aren’t talking about just any slogan. This is the big one. If I may pull a quote from the WacoTrib:

“We want to give people permission to brag a little bit about where they live, not duck their heads when they’re asked where they’re from”

So without further ado, Ladies and Gentleman, hang your heads no more for I present to you . . . .

“Waco We Do.”

(long awkward silence)

So maybe the locals aren’t giving each other high fives over this one, but maybe they should be. They could have ended up with one of BearMeats suggestions.


At 6:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

what does that even mean? i still like 'keep waco wacko'...but it never really caught on with the locals.

At 11:42 AM, Blogger Ryanlindly said...

This only makes me wonder what kind of verbal travesty the last one must have been. Maybe they meant "Do we Waco?" Waco there being some awesome action, the response being "Hell Yeah! We Waco."

At 4:09 AM, Blogger ChiLLItzMatt said...

this response runs somewhat akin to ryanlindly's response, but more succinct. the new slogan should be "Waco We Is!"


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