Sunday, October 08, 2006

Maybe I Missed the Memo

Of the four teams to sign up for Saturday’s softball tournament, only the 3Q’s actually showed. Since no pitches were thrown I’ll score the games based on the number of players:

Game 1:
Garners Team – 0
Attractive Nuisance – 1

Game 2:
The Masterbatters – 10
The Masochists – 1

The numbers however don’t tell the full story. For the Attractive Nuisance, it was a Pyrrhic victory at best.

The first game was supposed to be played at 9:15 and sadly, the one person without a car decided to get dropped off at 8:55 allowing ample time for stretching and meditation. When I arrived for the second game at 10:30 he was still sitting alone in a corner, patiently waiting for his team to show. Amazingly he was still there when I left . . . staring at the field with a look of stoic determination.


At 4:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should be ashamed of yourself. I now know I cannot depend on you for a ride home if I am stuck at a softball field without a ride or a team.

At 4:58 PM, Blogger Jon Swanburg said...

Very true but really, what are the odds of ending up at a softball field in the middle of Waco without a ride or a team?

At 6:39 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

Apparently good enough so that that actually happens to people.

At 8:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all: I feel honored to have made your blog.

Now, To all who have wondered how I made it home: Finally, at 10:45, as everyone was pulling away, another member of my team pulled up. (Count 'em, that makes 2 of us. Sadly too little, too late) After spending from 9:30 - 10:30 on my cell phone - draining precious battery power, begging for players to come out, this was all I had to show for my efforts... He was nice enough to let me ride in his trunk.

At 11:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I made it there by 10:30, just in time to swipe free Coke and Gatorade. I’d like to think this makes me the big winner.

And it’s not like my trunk isn’t roomy. Trey had more than enough space back there to stretch out. Though I probably shouldn’t have left him in there as I went to the grocery store for two hours. And I feel like maybe I shouldn’t have taken those speed bumps at 35 MPH. My bad.

At 11:51 AM, Blogger Jon Swanburg said...

law league intramurals are all about sacrifice. Way to take one for the team.

At 3:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

On a personal note, I would like to go on record as saying that Stephen has one of the nicest trunks around. I didn't mind so much waiting for him to buy groceries. There was a tire iron on which I could rest my head, a car jack - clearly for the purpose of bending my back so as to crack it (there's a couple hundred saved in chiropractic bills), and several Sports Illustrated Magizines which I used to pass the time while making paper hats.

Therefore, if you are searching for a fun outting, Stephen's Trunk comes highly recommended, not to mention its 4-star rating.

At 4:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be honest, I really do have an odd collection of crap in my trunk, ranging from random sports equipment to Trivial Pursuit to some old outlines and Black's Dictionary.

I even give Trey a nickname on my blog ("El Capitan") and I get nothing. But he makes Swanburg's and suddenly it's an honor. Trey is dead to me.


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