Thursdays at a Top 25 Law School
In the name of expediency I’ll just reprint [without explicit permission] an e-mail forwarded to me by a BLS grad now doing his LLM at Emory. Because, you know, I don’t have time to write things on my own and I like making people feel terrible about life:
Hello All -
What is it gonna take to get some of y'all out to Bar Reviews? I see the same (awesome) people every night. Are y'all scared? Don't be. Are you a nervous 1L? Please child. In the words of the great social philosopher Whoopi Goldberg from the epic movie Sister Act II: Back in the Habit, "nothing is impossible as long as you carry with you a little bit of faith and a big roll of electrical tape." By popular demand, all three Bar Reviews this weekend are places you can bob your head / dance / get your swerve on / grind on the unsuspecting.
Thursday Keg - 3:15pm - Bacardi Plaza - This Thursday's Thursday Keg is brought to you by SLS, Student Legal Services. Do you like sitting alone waiting for no one to walk in? Do you need another line on your resume? Give SLS a call.
Thursday Bar Review - 11pm - El Bar - Poncey-Highlands - 939 Ponce De Leon Ave 30306 (behind El Azteca (translation: The Azteca)) - Far, far, far too many people have not been to El Bar. El Bar is about the size of my living room, except El Bar does not have a television or a museum-caliber collection of dodo bird skulls. A night at El Bar goes a little like this. "Hey, why are we walking behind this Mexican restaurant? Why are all these people in line to walk into that refrigerator? Why are they charging cover? Oh, I don't have to pay if I am an Emory Law student? Sweet. Holy crap this little place is cool.
What's that? Five dollars get's me a shot of whiskey AND a Miller Lite you say? I'll have eleventy three. Do you wanna dance with me? That's cool. Your boyfriend can dance with me too. I'm a lawyer. I do spaceship law. We have an office on the moon."
Friday Bar Review - 11pm - Door 44 - Midtown - 44 12th Street (in between Crescent Ave and Peachtree Walk) - This is our first mixer with the B School this semester. Apparently they don't have any jobs either, so expect less "I have an American Express black card, can I buy you some champagne?" And more, "I bought my hair gel at the CVS, but I will still stalk you." You can dance there, too. If you are lucky, you may even run into birthday girl [XXX]. Just don't ask her to dance.
Tall girls look like angry birds when they dance. No cover w/ Emory ID before midnight.
Saturday Bar Review - 11pm - Bazaaar - Midtown - 654 Peachtree Street (immediately next to the FOX Theater at Ponce de Leon and Peachtree).
Bazaar is like a regular nightclub, if you are a international arms dealer and live in Casablanca. Some fly European DJs and comfy velvet chairs greet you after you get in for free with Emory ID. I am working on some drink specials too and will email you with an update.
- [XXX]
BLS students are missing out.
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