Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Never Raise Your Hand

This afternoon in PC II the professor asked a question and nobody wanted to answer. After a few long seconds, a brave gentleman in the back spoke up and correctly answered. To everyone’s surprise, the brave gentleman was thanked and allowed to sit down.

Then it happened.

The professor immediately called on the gentleman’s girlfriend, skipped over a few hundred pages of reading, went to the last case, and asked her to talk about it. She flipped for awhile before admitting it was the only case she hadn’t read.

Then this conversation happened:

Prof (with concern in his voice): You didn’t read it. Why didn’t you read it?
Girl: I’m sorry. I just ran out of time.
Prof (inquisitively): Did you go to sleep last night?
Girl: Yes
Prof (firmly): Then you didn’t run out of time. You just didn’t do it. Go get yourself a big cup of coffee and meet me after class. You’re going to need it.
Other than that, only one other person got a memo today. FML


At 8:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats some f'ed up shiz homie.

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

he's like a villain. they're complete shitheads, about to torture you, then you ask them for mercy, and they look at you with that bemused grin, then gut you like a fish, all the while humming quietly to themselves in satisfaction.

expect no mercy, show no mercy.

(thank 12 straight hours of bar studying for the doom & gloom i just served on you)

At 4:56 PM, Blogger TJ said...

if she had time to sleep, i dont know what she's complaining about.


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