Sunday, June 01, 2008

Games, Trains, and Booze

The interns got together, took the light rail downtown, got drunk, took the light rail back, exchanged high-fives and made some bad decisions. The whole thing made me feel like I was in undergrad again just less single and a lot closer to the age of 24.

Tomorrow I go back to work, Tuesday I go on a business trip to Wilmington, NC, Wednesday I’ll miss our first intramural volleyball game, Thursday I return, and Friday we’ll again watch 21 year-old software engineers attempt to defy all stereotypes.


At 11:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

so what are you doing there? telemarketing? were you the one that called me at 9pm last night and asked me to switch my cable provider? i thought that sounded like you.

i'm a little jealous of your life right now...the whole not being in Waco thing, not being in the Texas heat thing, getting paid thing.

p.s. i am finally on an intramural team that wins...mostly b/c there aren't any summer starters on the team, and b/c you're not on the team.

At 7:26 AM, Blogger Jon Swanburg said...

I miss you, Haley. In the hours I'm not busy telemarketing, I wait for someone that can refer to me in a way that makes me feel low.

As of yet, nobody has filled your shoes.


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